自2021年9月30日起,演講心得報告以線上方式繳交 NTU Department of Chemistry Lecture Report Regulations
  1. 自2021年9月30日起,演講心得報告繳交方式改為線上繳交,所有演講報告必須於自演講當日起 3 日內(不含例假日) 上網填寫GOOGLE表單並上傳報告表電子檔(可掃描或照相)。
  2. GOOGLE表單連結會於每週四公布。
  3. 每月演講計次結果會於次月初公布。
  4. 2021年12月31日(週五)之演講場次為本學期最後一次登記場次,該日之後之演講列計至110-2學期。

其他規定請見「臺大化學系演講報告繳交規定」 (僅中文版):






  1. From September 30, 2021, after each lecture attendance please fill the GOOGLE FORM and upload your Lecture Report.
  2. The GOOGLE FORM link will be announced on every Thursday.
  3. Deadline: Within 3 working days from the lecture.
  4. You can scan or take a picture of your report then upload it.
  5. The counting record will be announced at the beginning of the following month.
  6. The final lecture for 2021 Fall semester is on December 31, 2021 (Friday). If you choose to attend any lecture after December 31, the Lecture Report will be counted toward the next semester.

For detailed information (Mandarin version only): https://www.ch.ntu.edu.tw/edoc/item/R401/

"NTU Department of Chemistry Lecture Report" form:https://www.ch.ntu.edu.tw/edoc/item/F401/


聯絡人:李思穎 sylx21@ntu.edu.tw