

有意申請之同學請至『理學院網站→學生事務→院推廣國際交流獎學金』查看最新資訊及下載相關申請附件,並於10月28日(四)將所有申請文件製成『PDF電子檔』並寄送至:xtwen@ntu.edu.tw 系辦温湘婷小姐。


  1. 本梯次為今年度第4次(最後一梯次)審查會議,不再受理已結束的行程回溯申請補助。
  2. 同學請務必使用最新表格作申請,如表格有誤或有缺件,恕不受理該申請件。
  3. 同學欲參與線上國際會議,亦可申請此獎學金。
  4. 所有出國開會之研究生申請理學院推廣國際交流獎學金,無論是否有其他規定,皆需先行/同時申請行政院科技部「補助研究生出席國際會議」,並提供申請中/已申請之截圖影本,以資佐證。未能申請科技部補助者,請於申請本獎學金時敘明理由並提供相關佐證資料。如未申請科技部補助且未有特殊事由,本院保留是否核發獎學金之權利。
  5. 請準備以下文件供審查:
    1. 歷年成績單
    2. 低收入戶或中低收入戶證明證明
    3. 獎狀、發表之論文或其他優異表現等證明
  6. 如獲補助獎學金,海外研究及參與會議後皆須繳交

    1. 理學院推廣國際交流獎學金請領清單
    2. 郵局存簿影本
    3. 出國電子機票及登機證(線上參與國際會議請附報名費收據)
    4. 完成研習活動之大會或研習單位所開立之證明
    5. 參與研習報告之電子檔


4th Application of 2021 NTU CoS Travel Grants and Scholarship opens, deadline for receiving applications is October 28 (Thu.).

 Students in applying, please go to the website of  College of Science (CoS) → Student Affairs → Scholarship → CoS Travel Grants and Scholarship  to view the latest information and download the relevant application attachments, submit the documents to xtwen@ntu.edu.tw Ms. Xiang-Ting Wen before October 28(Thu.). 

 Please note:

  1. This is the fourth application of this year and the applications will not accept ended-trip-application.
  2. Students must use the latest form for application. If the forms are incorrect or incomplete, the application will not be accepted.
  3. Students attending online international conferences can also apply for this scholarship.
  4. Graduate students when applying “International Conference” scholarship, it is necessary to apply subsidy from MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology) grants at the same time, and provide a copy of the applying screenshots as proof document;Students who do not apply MOST grants need to state the reasons and provide relevant supporting information, If there were no special reason, the CoS reserves the right to issue grants and scholarships.
  5. Please prepare the following documents for review:
    1. Transcripts over the years
    2. Proof of low-income households (低收入戶或中低收入戶證明)
    3. Certificate of merit, published paper or other outstanding performance
  6. After being awarded, the applicants must submit these documents:
    1. CoS Travel Grants and Scholarship Requisition List
    2. A Copy of Chunghwa Post Passbook
    3. Original E-ticket and Boarding Pass (online attendees submit receipt of registration fee)
    4. Certificate of Completing Research or Activity
    5. Exchange Student / Short-term Overseas Research Report / International Conference Participation Report

聯絡人:温湘婷 02-3366-1145