轉知理學院姊妹校香港科技大學暑期班HKUST International Summer Exchange Program (ISP)2022開放招生,
ISP 2022將舉辦在 2022年6月20日至2022年8月13日。
有意申請者請參考相關簡章、傳單(附件pdf檔)及香港科技大學暑期班官網(https://isp.hkust.edu.hk/ )並填寫Excel表格,
The HKUST International Summer Exchange Program (ISP) is scheduled to be held from 20 June to 13 August 2022.
Please find attached the ‘ISP 2022 Information Sheet for Exchange Partners’, which contains information on program features, application procedures, important dates, etc. Leaflet of ISP 2022 is available here.
Interested applicants please fill in the nomination list, provide Transcripts over the years and send them to: xtwen@ntu.edu.tw .(Deadline:Tuesday, January 25, 2022)