[疫調訊息]桃園機場群聚感染案件(Cluster infections in Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport)


  1. 依據桃園市政府衛生局 1月5日的最新消息(https://www.tycg.gov.tw/pubprogram/upload/imgprview.jsp?file=hotnews/202201051558110.jpg&flag=pic&filetablename=HotNewsFile&serno=202201050066&detailno=1),公佈案17230、案17238、案17239、案17266的公共場所足跡,民眾如曾於該段時間出入該場所,應請進行自我健康監測,若於1/19 (三) 前出現發燒、上呼吸道、腹瀉、嗅味覺異常等症狀,應佩戴醫用口罩,儘速至社區採檢站或各指定採檢院所,接受採檢及評估。。
  2. 故請各位教職員工生,如果有曾於該段時間出入該場所,應進行自我健康監測,並回報給防疫聯絡人。請直接將下列資訊E-mail 給趙益祥先生(joechao@ntu.edu.tw)。
  • 姓名
  • 單位(實驗室)
  • 證件號碼(例如身份證號、學號、員編、居留證號)
  • 聯絡電話



系環安衛小組 敬上


Dear all,

  1. In response to cluster infections in Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport(https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En/Bulletin/Detail/Bah0dqvOsjgfSeJeYb4mfg?typeid=158), it is necessary to expand tracing those who might have been in the areas visited by the confirmed case. . The cleaner was there on the mornings of Dec. 30 and Dec. 31, 2021.
  2. If you have overlapped footprints with the confirmed case(No.17230, No.17238, No.17239 and No.17266), please conduct self-health monitoring and email to Mr. Yi-Hsiang Chao (joechao@ntu.edu.tw) with the information as follows:
  • Your Name
  • Unit (Lab)
  • ID No. (Student No., Staff No., or ARC No.)
  • Phone

3.Those who are in self-health monitoring can go to school as usual, but must wear medical masks at all times including during class, wash hands frequently, maintain social distancing, and avoid dining with others. If you have COVID-19 symptoms before January 19, 2022(inclusive), please actively report to Mr. Chao and NTU Health Center as well as follow instructions to seek medical attention immediately.


EH&S Team, Dept. of Chemistry

All the Best,

聯絡人:趙益祥 3366-4195