疫調訊息及門禁管制(Pandemic Prevention Measures and real-name swipe-in entry control)



Dear faculty, colleagues and students,


 1.依據新北市政府 1月11日的最新消息,公佈案17570、17571的新北市公共場所足跡,民眾如曾於該段時間出入該場所,應進行自我健康監測,若出現發燒、上呼吸道、腹瀉、嗅味覺異常等症狀,應佩戴醫用口罩,儘速至社區採檢站或各指定採檢院所,接受採檢及評估。

The New Taipei City Government had released the travel history of Case # 17570 and Case # 17571 for COVID-19 on January 11.

For colleagues and students who are among the contacts of the confirmed cases in the listed locations, please voluntarily notify the pandemic prevention contact person(3366-4195,joechao@ntu.edu.tw) at your affiliated department or office. Those who fit the above description but do not have any symptoms may still attend or teach classes as usual. Please be advised to wear a medical mask at all times when in public places (e.g. the NTU campus, premises, or shared office spaces). Please also carry out self-health monitoring

If suspected symptoms develop such as fever, respiratory complications, diarrhea, and abnormality of smell and taste, please contact the pandemic contact person(s) at your affiliated department or office, wear a medical mask at all times, immediately seek medical attention at a nearby hospital for COVID-19 testing, and avoid taking public transportation.


 2.故請若有曾於該段時間與確診者足跡重疊,應進行自我健康監測,並回報給防疫聯絡人。防疫聯絡人收到回報後,請直接將下列資訊E-mail 給防疫聯絡人(3366-4195,joechao@ntu.edu.tw)。

  • 姓名
  • 單位
  • 證件號碼(例如身份證號、學號、員編、居留證號)
  • 聯絡電話

For colleagues and students who are among the contacts of the confirmed cases in the listed locations, please voluntarily notify the pandemic prevention contact person(s)(Mr. Yi-Hsiang Chao, 3366-4195,joechao@ntu.edu.tw)with the information as follows:

  • Your Name
  • Unit (Lab)
  • ID No. (Student No., Staff No., or ARC No.)
  • Phone



University premises must be staffed to take temperatures of personnel and visitors at the entrance. This is complemented by real-name swipe-in entry control developed by the Computer and Information Networking Center. The Chemistry department will implement from 1:00 pm January 12.



As the COVID-19 is still raging, please again be reminded to always wear a face mask when you go out, wash your hands frequently, and keep appropriate social distancing. Be on alert for possible COVID-19 symptoms: fever, respiratory problems, diarrhea, or loss of smell or taste. If any one of these symptoms develops, you should wear a medical mask and seek medical attention immediately at a nearby hospital for COVID-19 testing, and you should also refrain from using any public transportation. When in the hospital for treatment, please inform the physician of your contact and travel history, potential occupational exposure to the virus, as well as anyone around you with similar symptoms. When you return home, please continue to wear a medical mask and avoid making any unnecessary trips.


臺灣大學化學系 敬上

Sincerely yours,

NTU Chemistry Department


聯絡人:趙益祥 3366-4195