(提醒) 請解除安裝 Sophos 防毒軟體 / Please uninstall Sophos antivirus software



Windows 系統建議改為啟用 Microsoft Defender 防毒軟體:

  1. 於 [開始] 功能表搜尋 [windows security]並開啟應用程式。
  2. 選取 [ 病毒 & 威脅防護 ] 圖格 (或左側功能表列上的防護圖示) 。
  3. 選取 [病毒 & 威脅防護設定]。
  4. 將 [即時保護 ] 切換為 [ 開啟]。


The Computer and Information Networking Center will stop providing Sophos antivirus software licensing from July 1st, 2023.. To uninstall Sophos, please refer to the following link: https://docs.sophos.com/esg/endpoint/help/en-us/help/Uninstall/index.html.

For Windows systems, it is recommended to enable Microsoft Defender antivirus software:

  1. Search for "Windows Security" in the Start menu and open the application.
  2. Select the "Virus & threat protection" tile (or the protection icon on the left menu bar).
  3. Select "Virus & threat protection settings."
  4. Toggle "Real-time protection" to "On."


聯絡人:吳亭萱 65017 tsw302@ntu.edu.tw