本校高壓用電設備年度保養檢驗於7月30日進行,系館自上午6:00開始停止供電,因貴重儀器中心設置於系館G63室之800 MHz NMR的特高場超導磁鐵需持續維持供電以保護磁體,所以在7月30日上午6:00開始啟動位於系館與生化所中間的發電機,維持G63室正常供電。惟當日發電機運作至約12:40時,貴儀中心發現發電機起火燃燒並立即通報駐警隊與消防隊。駐警隊與台北市消防隊趕至現場撲滅火勢,現場無人員傷亡,除發電機外無其他財損。雖然貴儀中心對發電機的一切保養皆按期程進行,且為因應此次高壓用電設備年度保養檢驗,特地在上週安排發電機的保養與測試,但可惜仍然無法避免意外發生,多虧貴儀中心有派人在系館留守,在第一時間發現災害,並即時通報,所以免去更大的危害。
Dear all,
Annual maintenance and inspection of the high-voltage electrical equipment on our campus was scheduled for July 30th. As a result, power supply to the Department building was halted starting from 6:00 AM. However, due to the presence of the 800 MHz NMR's high-field superconducting magnet, which requires continuous power supply to protect the magnet, a backup generator located between the Department building and the Institute of Biochemistry was activated to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the NMR facility (G63 room) during the maintenance.
Unfortunately, at approximately 12:40 PM on the same day, a fire broke out in the backup generator, prompting an immediate report to the Campus Security and the Taipei City Fire Department. The security team and Fire Department arrived promptly, and the fire was extinguished without any casualties. Aside from the damage to the generator, there were no other losses reported. The NMR facility staff had diligently followed the scheduled maintenance for the generator and conducted additional testing in preparation for the annual electrical equipment inspection. Despite these precautions, the unexpected incident occurred. Fortunately, the presence of NMR facility staff on-site at the time allowed for the early detection and immediate reporting of the fire, preventing further harm.
In light of this incident, the Environmental Health and Safety Team urges all laboratories to conduct regular maintenance of their equipment and to ensure that someone is present whenever large or potentially overheating devices are in use. In the event of an emergency, it is essential to remain calm and immediately notify both the Fire Department and Campus Security while prioritizing personal safety.