(2nd Announcement) CoS International Graduate Students Scholarship

(2nd Announcement)CoS International Graduate Students Scholarship, please apply to the chemistry office before 19 October.


Students must use the latest form for application, and check whether the required documents are attached; If the forms are incorrect or incomplete, the application will not be accepted.


國立臺灣大學理學院外國研究生獎助學金申請書 Application Form

本校正式歷年成績單Official Transcript with all Combined Average Grade in NTU

履歷(含著作發表清單)Curriculum Vitae (a list of publications must be included, if any)

推薦信一封(推薦信無格式要求,可參考範本)One Recommendation Letter (Sample)

舊生:論文撰寫計畫 Thesis Proposal (for continuing graduates)

其他有利申請之參考資料 Other beneficial documents for reference



The guideline of the scholarship:https://www.science.ntu.edu.tw/en/student-affairs-en/cos-international-graduate-students-scholarship/
