【轉發】美國加州理工學院提供大二以上優秀學士生參加暑期研究實習計畫(SURF Program)於2024/1/12截止申請,12月4日星期一中午12:30另有實習計畫分享會


美國加州理工學院提供大二以上優秀學士生參加暑期研究實習計畫(SURF Program),並有高額的獎學金補助,對於未來想進入研究領域的學生是一個非常難得的機會。

1. 期程:2024年6月底起至8月底(10週)
2. 補助方式、名額及金額:原則上非Caltech學生之補助須由指導老師支應,本處將推薦至多2名申請學生,由該計畫辦公室提供約7,000美元補助。
3. 申請資格:
 I. 本校大二以上學士生且113-1會繼續於本校註冊就讀者。
 II. 具以下任一研究領域足夠背景知識及經驗:
    * Energy particle physics
    * Astrophysics
    * Condensed matter physics
    * Computer science
    * Engineering
    * Neuroscience
 III. 本校GPA每學期均須達2.7。
 IV. 未受任何學術或紀律制裁。
4. 臺大校內繳件截止日期:2024/1/12
5. 相關資訊:

本處邀請該校工程和應用科學系Harry A. Atwater, Jr.教授以及今年暑假本校參加此計畫的同學,舉辦分享會,分享計畫執行內容與心得,活動資訊如下,歡迎同學踴躍報名參加。

與會來賓:美國加州理工學院工程和應用科學系Harry A. Atwater, Jr.教授
時間:2023年12月4日星期一 中午 12:30
地點:禮賢樓7樓 國際事務處


欲了解計畫詳情,逕洽本校國際事務處承辦人(Jeffrey黃子洋先生,Email: jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw,電話:02-33662007#228)。

國際事務處 敬啟

國際事務處 國際學生組 海外教育股
+886 (0)2 3366 2007

Hello everyone!

California Institute of Technology (Caltech) offers an excellent opportunity for students at least in their second year to participate in the SURF Program. The program provides substantial scholarships and is a rare chance for students who aspire to enter the field of research.

Program Details:
1. Duration: From late June to the end of August 2024 (10 weeks).
2. Financial Aid, Slots, and Amount: Typically, mentors have to bear the full cost of the award for visiting (non-Caltech) students. OIA will recommend up to 2 applicants to receive about a $7,000 award from the program's office.
3. Eligibility:
 I. Students who are in their second year or above and will continue their registration at NTU in the fall semester of 2024.
II. Possesses sufficient background knowledge and experience in one of the following research areas:
    * Energy particle physics
    * Astrophysics
    * Condensed matter physics
    * Computer science
    * Engineering
III. Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.7/4.3
IV. Not be under any academic or disciplinary sanction.
4. Application Deadlines:
Internal submission deadline at NTU: January 12, 2024
Online application deadline for the program: February 22, 2024
5. For more information, please visit:
Our office's website: https://studyabroad.ntu.edu.tw/internship/research-internship/#caltech
Caltech's website: https://sfp.caltech.edu/undergraduate-research/programs/surf

We invite Professor Harry A. Atwater, Jr. from the Division of Engineering and Applied Science at Caltech, as well as NTU students who participated in this program last summer, to hold a sharing session to provide insights and experiences related to the program. Below are the event details:

Event Title: Caltech SURF Program Sharing Session
Guests: Professor Harry A. Atwater, Jr., Department of Engineering and Applied Science, Caltech
       NTU students who participated in the program in 2023
Date: December 4, 2023 (Monday) at 12:30 PM
Venue: Office of International Affairs, 7th floor, Lixian Hall
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/pqbjJ9JjAb3XvFHHA

Due to limited seating capacity, once full, we will no longer accept registrations. Successful registrants will receive a notification of successful registration from the Office of International Affairs on December 1.

For more information about the program, please contact Mr. Jeffrey Huang, the coordinator at the Office of International Affairs (Email: jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw, Phone: 02-33662007#228).

Best regards,
Global Student Affairs
Office of International Affairs
National Taiwan University
+886 (0)2 3366 2007