A525 NMR 更換成 QNP 探頭 (Replacement of A525 NMR with QNP Probe)

主旨:A525 NMR 更換成 QNP 探頭

原因:原 BBFO 探頭無法作異核頻率的調整,目前 BBFO 探頭維修檢測中。

措施:更換成 QNP 探頭作為替代,QNP 探頭只能作 1H 及 13C 核種。



Subject: Replacement of A525 NMR with QNP Probe

Reason: The original BBFO probe cannot adjust for heteronuclear frequencies, and is currently undergoing maintenance and testing.

Measure: Replacement with the QNP probe, which can only handle 1H and 13C nuclei.


Please refer to the attached document for instructions.


聯絡人:曾喜青 33662807