[近期環安衛事件說明]Account of the recent EHS events



  1. 六樓實驗室在進行反應裝置架設,對三向閥施加壓力時,玻璃器材無預警破裂,劃傷人員手部。通報駐警隊後將該人員送醫進行手術縫補,人員於事發時有穿著實驗衣、乳膠手套與護目鏡;但事發後無通報系辦相關人員,在此提醒實驗前後檢視器材設備,及發生意外後須立即通知系辦。
  2. 3/22台北市政府聯合稽查本系,主要缺失為超過100 mL的藥品(有儲存,非當日用完)沒有標示(中文名+警示語+CAS No. ),市政府將依法規進行後續。校方會邀集藥品供應商統一提供標示,但實驗室既存的藥品及分裝藥品,須依北市府規定進行標示。
  3. 七樓實驗室在清理舊藥品時,有藥品容器發生自發性破裂,現場傳出爆炸聲及異味,後續已做吸附及通風處理。在此提醒各實驗室針對可能分解產生氣體的藥品設定使用期限,並定期清理已過期限的老舊化學品。



Dear all,

Below please find a brief account of the recent EHS events happened in our department.

  1. When a reaction system was being set up in the laboratory on the sixth floor, pressure was applied to a 3-way flow control flushing adapter. The glass equipment broke suddenly and the hands of the student were wounded. Fortunately, PPE was properly put on. However, the department office was not  informed at once. We would like to remind you all to check the equipment before and after the experiment. And the department office must be notified immediately after an accident occurs.
  2. On March 22, the Taipei City Government jointly inspected the Chemistry department of NTU. It has been found that some bottles containing more than 100 mL of chemicals were not labeled (Chinese name + warning + CAS No.). The inspectors will proceed in accordance with regulations. The EHS center of NTU will request suppliers to provide labels. Please be advised that any repackaged chemicals must be labeled in accordance with the regulations of the Taipei City Government.
  3. When a laboratory on the seventh floor was cleaning obsolete chemicals, a container spontaneously ruptured with strong odors, a large sound was heard  at the site. Treatment with absorbent was subsequently carried out. Please note that an expiration date should be provided for all chemicals that may decompose to produce gas, and regularly clean up of expired chemicals should be carried out.


聯絡人:趙益祥 3366-4195