- 排煙櫃內以膠管套接膠管的方式從水龍頭接水到冷凝管。
- 在沒有使用冷凝管進行實驗的情況下,沒有關閉水龍頭,且出水量相當大。實驗室最後離開之人員也並未發現此問題。
- 在不確定之時間點,兩條膠管之接駁處被水沖開,大量的水直接灌到地面,導致六樓積水,滲入管道間後再漏到二樓,造成A217、九如廳與下方A118助教辦公室積水。
- 事故現場照片顯示,漏水排煙櫃內有使用中之延長線,而且是位於鄰近加熱攪拌器之層架上。此為應即刻改善之缺失,因為排煙櫃內不應放置延長線,以免開關時的火花引燃低閃點之有機溶劑氣體。在此次淹水事件中,也有造成短路或人員觸電之危險性存在,所幸本此事件並沒有造成人員傷害。
- 長時間冷凝建議使用循環水,可使用水桶搭配水族箱中常用之水泵打水。在水資源相對珍貴的台灣,此為基本社會責任。
- 應盡量避免膠管串接的情況,如果真有需要串連膠管,應使用接頭連接,並加上束帶或固定環固定,不可採用直接套接的方式。是次兩管直接套接之行為並非該實驗室之首例,亟需加强管理。
Dear all,
On the early morning of April 22, 2024, flooding occurred in a laboratory on the sixth floor. A huge amount of water seeped into the piping space, flowing into Room 217 and Room 118(TA’s office), then spilling onto the floor of the Jiuru Auditorium. After discussing with the laboratory personnel, the events are summarized as follows:
- Water from the faucet was connected to the condenser inside the fume hood by connecting rubber hoses with each other.
- When the condenser was unused for the experiment, the faucet was not turned off, and a considerable amount of water was flowing. The last person who left the laboratory did not notice this issue.
- At an uncertain time, the connection between the two rubber hoses was severed, causing a large amount of water to directly pour onto the floor. This resulted in flooding on the sixth floor, seeping into the piping space and leaking onto the second floor, causing flooding in Room A217, the Jiuru Auditorium, and the TA office Room A118 below.
The shortcomings and recommendations are as follows:
- Photos of the accident scene indicate that there was an extension cord in use inside the leaking fume hood, positioned on a nearby shelf next to a hot plate. This is a deficiency that should be addressed immediately because extension cords should not be placed inside fume hoods to prevent sparks from switches igniting organic solvent vapors with low flashpoints. In this flooding incident, there was also a risk of short circuits or electric shock to personnel. Fortunately, there were no injuries caused by this incident.
- For long-term condensation, it is recommended to use recycling water, which can be obtained using a water pump with a water tank commonly found in aquariums. In Taiwan, where water resources are relatively scarce, this is a basic social responsibility.
- It is advisable to avoid connecting rubber hoses whenever possible. If it is necessary to connect rubber hoses, use connectors and secure them with straps or fastening rings. The direct coupling of the two hoses in this incident is not the first case in this laboratory and requires strengthened management.
The department staff have initially dealt with the accumulated water on the floor. However, we cannot confirm whether the water that has infiltrated the main building has been completely eliminated. Therefore, we kindly ask personnel in the laboratories, classrooms, equipment rooms, and offices located below the area affected by the flooding to pay extra attention to the use of electrical appliances. As this incident is purely due to human error, in the event of any related damages in the future, the cost of repairs will be discussed with the laboratory for shared responsibility.