IAMS Lecture on May 2, 3:30pm, Dr. Poe Lecture Hall, Dr. Ming-Hsi Chiang 江明錫研究員

Title: Fe-S Janus complexes: biomimic catalysts and molecular agents toward energy conversion and biomedical applications
Speaker: Dr. Ming-Hsi Chiang (Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica)
江明錫研究員 (本院化學研究所)
Time: 3:30 PM, May 2 (Thursday), 2024
Place: Dr. Poe Lecture Hall, IAMS (本所浦大邦講堂臺大校園內)
Contact: Dr. Ching-Wei Lin 林靖衛博士

聯絡人:陳文慧小姐 02-2366-8275