IAMS Lecture on June 13, 2:00pm, Dr. Poe Lecture Hall, Prof. Giulia Galli

IAMS Lecture Announcement
Title: Quantum simulations for quantum technologies
Speaker: Prof. Giulia Galli (University of Chicago & Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
Time: 2:00 PM, June 13 (Thursday), 2024
Place: Dr. Poe Lecture Hall, IAMS (本所浦大邦講堂 臺大校園內)
Contact: Dr. Ching-Ming Wei 魏金明所長
Which materials are best suited to harness the power of coherent quantum states for quantum applications, including computing, sensing, and communication? Can we predict their physical properties through theory and computation? Can we identify strategies and design rules to synthetize materials with controllable ‘quantum’ noise?  I will address these questions for a specific platform for quantum technologies: spin defects in semiconductors and insulators. Electron spins can provide controllable qubits with long relaxation and coherence times, and they can be coupled to nuclear spins for long-lived quantum memories. I will present results of quantum simulations on hybrid quantum-classical architectures for three and two-dimensional solids and illustrate strategies to integrate theory, computation, and experiments.

聯絡人:陳文慧小姐 02-2366-8275