





  1. 本梯次為今年度第3次審查會議,本次獎學金受理113 年10月1日- 11月31日出發之出國學生的申請案
  2. 同學請務必使用最新表格作申請,並檢查是否附上所需文件;如表格有誤或有缺件,恕不受理該申請件!
  3. 申請出席國際會議者,請同學以螢光筆標註與會場次俾利審查。
  4. 所有出國開會之研究生申請理學院推廣國際交流獎學金,無論是否有其他規定,皆需先行/同時申請國科會「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」,並提供申請中/已申請之截圖影本,以資佐證。未能申請國科會補助者,請於申請本獎學金時敘明理由並提供相關佐證資料。如未申請國科會補助且未有特殊事由,本院保留是否核發獎學金之權利。
  5. 依教育部「三限六不」原則,本獎學金係自高教深耕計畫經費核撥,無法核發給大陸地區學生,請同學申請前特別留意相關資格。
  6. 理學院相關要點內所註明的核定金額僅為參考(上限),實際核發金額將依每年經費多寡及申請人數而有所變動,無法接受者請勿申請。
  7. 如獲補助獎學金,海外研究及參與會議後皆須繳交
    1. (一)   理學院推廣國際交流獎學金請領清單
    2. (二)   郵局或銀行(可能產生匯費)存簿影本
    3. (三)   出國電子機票及登機證正本
    4. (四)   完成研習活動之大會或研習單位所開立之證明或結業證書
    5. (五)   出國研習報告電子檔


3rd Application of 2024 NTU CoS Travel Grants and Scholarship opens, deadline for receiving applications is August 20 (Tue.) 12:00.

 Students in applying, please go to the website of  College of Science (CoS) → Student Affairs → Scholarship → CoS Travel Grants and Scholarship to view the latest information and download the relevant application attachments and print them out, submit the paper documents to Ms. Chia-Chun Lin (Dept. Office 124) before August 20 (Tue.) 12:00. 

 Please note:

  1. This is the 3rd application for this year and only applications from students who will go abroad from October 1 to November 31, 2024, will be accepted.
  1. Students must use the latest form for applications, and check whether the required documents are attached. If the forms are incorrect or incomplete, the application will not be accepted.
  2. If you apply to attend an international conference, please mark the conference venue with a highlighter to facilitate the review process.
  3. Graduate students applying for the “International Conference” scholarship, it is necessary to apply for subsidy from NSTC (National Science and Technology Council) at the same time, and provide a copy of the application screenshots as proof: Students who do not apply for subsidy from NSTC need to state the reasons and provide relevant supporting information. If there is no special reason, the CoS reserves the right to deny grants and scholarships.
  4. In accordance with the Ministry of Education’s “Three Limits and Six Nos” principle, this scholarship is allocated from the higher education intensive project funds and cannot be awarded to mainland students. Students are advised to pay special attention to the relevant qualifications before applying.
  5. The amount of subsidy in the regulations is for reference only. The actual amount may vary depending on the amount of funding and the number of applicants.
  6. After being awarded, the applicants must submit these documents:
    1. CoS Travel Grants and Scholarship Requisition List
    2. A Copy of Chunghwa Post Passbook
    3. Original E-ticket and Boarding Pass 
    4. Certificate of Completing Research or Activity
    5. Exchange Student / Short-term Overseas Research Report / International Conference Participation Report
