Title: Quantum information processing with trapped ions
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Monz (Co-founder and CEO, Alpine Quantum Technologies GmbH, Austria)
Time: 3:30 PM, September 5 (Thursday), 2024
Place: Dr. Poe Lecture Hall, IAMS (本所浦大邦講堂臺大校園內)
Contact: Dr. Ching-Wei Lin 林靖衛博士
Abstract: Quantum technologies offer novel solutions ranging from quantum sensors via secure communication to quantum computing. One of the most promising platforms able to span the entire range of applications is based on trapped-ions, having achieved atomic clocks sufficiently precise to 'look at the universe age', demonstrated secure communication between nodes across a city, and offers quantum computers outperforming all other technology approaches. In this presentation the fundamentals of trapping and manipulating ions will be discussed, followed with an overview of applications and achievements. The talk will be concluded with open research and development questions for the international research and development community.
聯絡人:陳文慧小姐 02-2366-8275