Reminder: IAMS Lecture on October 17, 10:30am, Poe Lecture Hall, Dr. Sheng-wey Chiow

AMS Lecture Announcement
Title: Atomic quantum sensing: now and the future
Speaker: Dr. Sheng-wey Chiow (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, USA)
Time: 10:30 AM, October 17 (Thursday), 2024
Place: Dr. Poe Lecture Hall, IAMS (本所浦大邦講堂臺大校園內)
Contact: Dr. Ming-Shien Chang 張銘顯博士
Since the invention of laser cooling and trapping of atoms decades ago, atomic, molecular, and optical physics has been advancing and expanding. Cold-atom based quantum sensors have applications in fundamental physics, navigation, Earth science, and cosmology. This talk will provide a brief introduction to atom interferometry, followed by representative activities, and envisioned technology development needs.
Bio: Dr. Chiow received his PhD in Physics from Stanford in 2008, and joined JPL in 2013. His work has been focused on atom interferometry technology development, maturation, and application. Currently, Dr. Chiow is leading a NASA team towards a quantum gravity gradiometer mission. His research interests include quantum sensing, atom cooling, clocks, laser technology, the frontiers of physics and beyond.

聯絡人:陳文慧小姐 02-2366-8275