臺大化學系將於11月5日(二)辦理2024義芳化學講座,邀請Prof. Bradley L. Pentelute來訪演講,敬邀師生參與,相關資訊如下(海報如附件):
演講日期:2024/11/5 (星期二)
演講者:美國麻省理工學院 化學系Bradley L. Pentelute教授
演講題目:The Infinite Loop: ML for Discovery, Delivery, and Rapid Manufacturing of Potential Medicines
Date:2024/11/5 (Tue.)
Time:15:30 – 17:00
Location:Song-Pei Lecture Hall, 1st floor of Dept. of Chemistry, NTU
Speaker:Prof. Bradley L. Pentelute, Department of Chemistry, MIT, USA.
Title:The Infinite Loop: ML for Discovery, Delivery, and Rapid Manufacturing of Potential Medicines