近日發現有同學在沒有防洩漏的secondary container下,手持反應中的容器,穿梭於某樓層相鄰之實驗室,此舉不單違反本系環安衛規定,且嚴重威脅其他在該樓層走道經過的老師及學生的人身安全。在此聲明,即日起,若收到相關檢舉,涉事人員會立即被終止在化學系進行任何實驗之權利一個月,另視情節的嚴重程度追加其他罰則。
Dear all,
Recently, it was observed that some students were carrying reaction containers between adjacent laboratories on a certain floor without leak-proof secondary container. This not only violates the department's safety regulations but also poses a serious threat to the safety of teachers and students passing through the corridors on that floor.
Hereby, it is declared that effective immediately, if any such violations are reported, the individuals involved will have their right to conduct experiments in the Department of Chemistry suspended for one month. Additional penalties may be imposed depending on the severity of the case.