1140107環安衛違規公告(EHS violation announcement)















Dear all,


In December 2024, three members didn’t  wear personal protective equipment in the laboratory, and one member transport chemicals in the corridor without using a leak-proof container, resulting in a total of four members violating environmental health and safety regulations.

The violators are as follows:


4th floor: 1 member


5th floor: 1 member


6th floor: 2 members 


According to the environmental safety and health regulations of the Department, the violator will be required to retake a 3-hour general EH&S training course in a departmental meeting room (organized by the research group). For the first time offender, his/her access card and the right to use all public equipment in the department will be suspended for one month, and access to the student's office and laboratory will be banned for two weeks. For the second violation, the violator will be banned from using all public equipment in the department for two months, plus a one-month ban on access to student’s office and laboratory. 


If any member is found to be working in a laboratory during the suspension period, the department Chair may call for an emergency meeting to discuss whether the laboratory should be immediately closed or if permanent suspension of the member’s access will be enforced.