期:2025/2/13 (星期四)
演講者:李培菱博士(Dr. Rebecca Li)
演講者單位:(Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Material Science and Engineering,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
演講題目:「The importance of balance: overcoming synthetic limitations in polymer based materials by bridging disparate building blocks and formation processes」
Date:2025/2/13 (Thu.)
Time:15:30 – 16:30
Host:Prof. Jye-Shane Yang (楊吉水教授)
Location:Song-Pei Lecture Hall, 1st floor of Dept. of Chemistry, NTU
Speaker: Dr. Rebecca Li (Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Material Science and Engineering,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Title:「The importance of balance: overcoming synthetic limitations in polymer based materials by bridging disparate building blocks and formation processes」