環安衛事件說明Account of the recent EHS event(20250306)



3/6晚上21:30左右,同學於B767-1室處理氫化鋁鋰(Lithium aluminium hydride, LAH)粉末時,因實驗操作順序不當發生災害,之後使用滅火器將其撲滅,撲滅後所產生的煙霧觸發系館警報。該人員有實驗衣及護目鏡保護,該實驗室同時段有兩人以上在場,沒有造成永久性傷害。經3/10本校環安衛中心實地查訪,並未發現事發實驗室有管理上疏失,在此再次提醒同學們穿戴PPE及實驗室良好管理(藥品資料、受訓紀錄、操作程序)的重要性。



Dear all,

Below please find a brief account of the recent EHS event happened in our department.

On the evening of March 6th, around 9:30 PM, a student encountered an incident while handling Lithium aluminium hydride (LAH) powder in Room B767-1 due to improper experimental procedure. The fire was subsequently extinguished using a fire extinguisher, and the smoke triggered the building's alarm system. The individual involved was wearing a lab coat and goggles for protection, and there were two or more people present in the laboratory at the time. No permanent injuries were sustained. Following an onsite inspection by the university's EHS Center on March 10th, no management negligence was found in the laboratory where the incident took place. This serves as a reminder to all students about the importance of wearing PPE and maintaining good laboratory management practices (such as proper chemical information, training records, and standard operating procedures).