IAMS lecture on 5/19, 3:30pm, Dr. Poe Lecture Hall, Prof. Tu-nan Chang張圖南教授

IAMS Lecture Announcement


Title: What can one learn jointly through theory and experiment from a very narrow resonance in atomic photoionization?

Speaker: Prof. Tu-nan Chang 張圖南教授 (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Southern California, USA)

Time: 3:30PM, May 19 (Thursday)

Place: Dr. Poe Lecture Hall, IAMS (本所浦大邦講堂 台大校園內)

Contact: Dr. Kaito Takahashi 高橋開人博士

Tel: 23668237

註:原訂下週四 (5月19日)之演講人國立新竹教育大學應用科學系張稚卿教授因故無法前來,我們另外邀請了張圖南教授前來演講。

Note: Prof. Jyh-Ching Chang who was scheduled to be the speaker for the upcoming Thursday afternoon lecture has been forced to cancel due to unforeseen circumstance. Instead we will have Prof. Tu-nan Chang who kindly accepted to give us a talk.