ASIAA/NTU CCMS/NTU Physics Joint Colloquium, May 31

Speaker: Frank Hsu (徐遐生), Academia Sinica

Topic: Nuclear Energy after Fukushima

Time: 5/31 (Tuesday) 14:20 - 15:10

Place: Room 104, CCM-New Physics Building

Abstract: After the tragic events in Japan, nuclear power is much in the news, and re-evaluations are occurring on both sides of the nuclear debate. Pragmatic scientists and engineers who have studied the problem agree that of the available energy technologies, only nuclear power has the potential to alleviate our current overwhelming dependence on fossil fuels. In Taiwan, the choice is even clearer. As a commentator on National Public Radio in the United States has put it: if you are anti-CO2 and anti-nuclear, then you are pro-blackouts. Phrased in terms of either energy self-sufficiency or an antidote to climate change, the challenge before us must be how to make nuclear power safer, cheaper, and more proliferation resistant, with a tenable method for disposing the radioactive waste. A solution may exist in molten salt reactors that operate on the thorium cycle, but mobilizing public support for such an approach must increase the perceived benefits of nuclear power while reducing its risks.

Brief Bio:徐遐生院士是理論天文物理權威,在行星環、恆星形成、與星系結構都有開創性與影響深遠的研究。徐院士獲獎無數、包括有天文的諾貝爾獎之稱的卲逸夫獎、獲選為美國國家科學院院士、美國人文與科學院院士、皇家天文學會海外院士、中央研究院院士,曾任美國天文學會會長、國立清華大學校長,現為中研院天文所特聘研究員。徐院士近年將研究重心放在解決人類的能源問題,本演講將探討核能發電在福島核能事件後的前景,您千萬不可錯過。

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