2011/06/30 (Thu) 10-12am 台灣大學生命科學館3F演講廳
Cell polarity: choosing precise directions in uncertain times
LANI F. WU, Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology and Green Center for Systems Biology
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
細胞生物學的資料特徵,為許多複雜的顯微影像。如何將影像的資料轉為數值,進而抽取出有用的資訊,做出生物的結論。更進一步建立出數學模型,解釋生命的現像。對於純生物的研究人員,是十分複雜而困難的。其原因是分析的工具需要結合生物、數學、物理、化學動力學、資訊學等,所形成的跨領域技術。這些需要大量數值運算的技術,稱之為計算細胞生物學(Computational Cell Biology)。
Professor Wu是1985台大數學系畢業,之後到UCSD數學系完成其博士訓練,在2005應聘到UT。以下所列為其近3年重要文獻:
Altschuler SJ, Angenent SB, Wang Y, Wu LF. On the spontaneous emergence of polarity. Nature 2008 Aug 14, 454:886-890.
Slack MD, Martinez ED, Wu LF, Altschuler SJ. Characterizing heterogeneous cellular responses to perturbations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2008 December 9; vol. 105, no. 49, 19305–19310.
Artyukhin AB, Wu LF, Altschuler SJ, Only two ways to achieve perfection. Cell 2009 Aug 21; vol. 138, Issue 4, 619-621. PMID: 19703388
Loo LH, Lin HJ, Steininger RJ, Wang YQ, Wu LF, Altschuler SJ, On an Approach for Extensibly Profiling the Molecular States of Cellular Subpopulations. Nature Methods 2009, vol. 6, 759-765. PMID: 19767759.
Loo LH, Lin HJ, Singh, DK, Lyons, KM, Altschuler SJ, Wu LF, On Heterogeneity in the physiological states and pharmacological responses of differentiating 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. J Cell Biol. 2009 Nov 2;187(3):375-84. PMID: 19948481
Singh DK, Ku C-J, Wichaidit C, Steininger RJ, Wu LF, Altschuler SJ, Patterns of basal signaling heterogeneity can distinguish cellular populations with different drug sensitivities. Molecular systems biology 2010 May 11;6:369.
Ku, C-J, Wang, Y, Pavie, B, Altschuler SJ, Wu, LF, On identifying information from image-based spatial polarity phenotypes in neutrophils. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2010.
Altschuler, SJ, Wu, LF, Cellular heterogeneity: Do differences make a difference? Cell 2010 May 14;141(4):559-63.